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As we come to an end our series on mobile home exterior makeovers, we want to take a look at one more important makeover. Your roof! Generally, your roof is a vital part of your house. It keeps you dry in the rain. Furthermore, it also keeps your house a more consistent temperature.


Before, we’ve talked a lot about Geneva from My Heart’s Song in this mobile home makeover series. Generally, it’s because she and her husband have done a lot of inspiring work on their mobile home. Geneva and Buzz wanted to re-do their roof with a Perma-Roof but found it was just too expensive.

However, when a huge storm came through and did lots of damage pro their home, the tables turned. Not only did they received a check from the insurance company to cover damages, but it was also the exact amount they needed for their new roof. Geneva and Buzz didn’t need any more prompting. They already knew they wanted a Perma-Roof.

If you’ve never heard of a Perma-Roof, you’re missing out. Not only does this kind of roof look fantastic, but it feels great on your wallet’s side of things. Generally, most customers who got a Perma-Roof reported 20-40% of savings on their utility bill. It doesn’t get much more fantastic than that.

For additional savings, Geneva’s husband, Buzz, installed the new roof by himself, with no trouble at all. This means that if you are a DIYer, you can also cut down on costs by replacing your roof yourself.


Sarah, from Rocky Hedge Farm, explains in one of her blog posts, how a hail storm destroyed parts of her family’s mobile home. Not only did it break windows, and damage siding, but it also destroyed the roof. We don’t have many details from her roof makeover. However, she did say that it entirely changed the look of the house for the better.


If you’re not so sure about the roof makeover thing yet, it’s okay. It’s not for everyone. However, let’s consider a scenario for a moment, to help us get a better idea.

As we set the scene, we find ourselves looking at Jon and Sarah Brown, a husband and wife with two little kids. They decided before they even got married that they wanted to live in a mobile home. But they didn’t know whether they wanted a brand new one or a fixer-upper. However, in the end, they decided on a fixer-upper. One that needed lots of TLC and repairs.

But John and Sarah have plenty of imagination, and a will to work. They decided to work from the inside out, so they can move in as soon as possible. Fast-forward 8 months, and it’s time to get to work on the exterior. First things first: the roof.

After hours, days, and weeks of research, they find exactly what kind of roof they want. Their researching led them to the Tesla Solar Roof. Generally, this is an excellent kind of roof. Because it turns sunlight directly into electricity, it’s a great investment.

Many times, with roofs such as the Tesla Solar Roof, you can’t install it on your own. (Note that if installing it on your own is important to you, there are other options available.) Another added bonus of the Tesla Solar Roof is hail protection. It’s extremely sturdy, which makes for a happy life, even when bad storms come around.

Now that the roof is installed, the Browns couldn’t be happier. They’re saving money on electricity, and feel secure even when there are bad storms. And so we have our classic, “happily ever after”.


Now it’s your turn! Research and find out exactly what’s right for you. Don’t forget to factor in your budget, the look, and how easy it is to install. Because, if you’re doing it yourself, you don’t want to do anything too complicated!

After you’ve found what you want, it’s time to get to work. Whether you’re hiring out or not, you’re sure to end up with a great roof. So, don’t waste any time. Get started right away!


As one last note, if you find out that a new roof is too big a project for you, don’t stress. The majority of people don’t put on roofs by themselves. Instead, you can always ask friends to help.

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