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Sarah B

How to Obtain Mobile Home Moving Permits

Updated: Dec 30, 2023

We buy mobile homes in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio.


The world of just hooking up and moving is long gone. But no 2 areas have the same requirements for moving your mobile home. The best place to start is by calling your county mobile home division at the treasurer or auditors office. They will be able to inform you of all of the counties and states requirements for moving a mobile home.


While each state, and county varies there are typically a few items that must be done to move a mobile home in any area legally:

  1. Ensure taxes for the year are paid in full

  2. Title for home must be in your name

  3. Location of where the home is moving

  4. Documented details of the home such as size, serial number, parcel number, etc

  5. conveyance paid to county

  6. contact park if applicable

The cost of moving your mobile house will depend on your house’s size, location, the location it is being moved to, etc. The price can go up to thousands, so make sure you have figured this in prior to moving. However, moving to a mobile house can be cheaper than buying a home with a fixed location. You can estimate the cost of moving your house somewhere around $3,000 to $20,000.

The cost of moving your manufactured home will also depend on how far you’re going and how heavy your home is; the shorter the distance and the lighter the home to less it costs. Also, when you move through different counties or states, you might have to get a permit for each area you pass through so that should be checked before hand.

Many mobile home users have many connections through the water or electricity lines, which need to be cut when moving to another place. If you are hiring a reputable transporter they will take care of this in the proper way.

As we mentioned earlier in what, all you will need to do is get a permit to move your house; one thing you can start with is contacting your county treasurer or auditors office. They will help you with plenty of information that could be shocking while moving to a mobile home.

Also, you must ensure no money is due on your mobile home. Whether you have some debt left to pay or some tax issues, make sure you pay them off as soon as possible before applying for a permit to move your mobile house.

Wherever you go, each state will expect you to have accurate documents of your mobile home so that they know how to handle the situation. Keep all records of the move and always have the title on hand before attempting to apply for permits.

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