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We buy mobile homes in michigan, indiana, illinois, and ohio for cash!!


This is probably the single most important question that can be asked of us.  We say this because it is something that we take very serious. We want you understand that our intention is to help you, not hurt you and to give you a fair and honest price for your mobile home. 


Mobile home offers from other companies and individuals can vary widely. We want to help you understand how we get to the cash offer that we make you. 

The process is not a very long one, we have been in business for over 25 years and have it down to a science. We look at the facts of your home and nothing more. Our buyers are able to give you a price in just a short amount of time based on:


  • The age of the home

  • The size of the home

  • The number of bedrooms

  • The number of bathrooms

  • Condition of the home

We have purchased thousands of homes over the years and have gathered lots of data as a result.  Due to this we have developed a systematic approach to each home and owner that we are in contact with. We may be able to give you an initial offer range prior to viewing the home based solely on your description but after viewing the home in person we will be able to give you an exact offer, in cash! 


The condition of the home is the reason we can not give you an exact offer until we view the home, this is the reason for the range amount in the beginning.  It can be quite significant between the low end of our offer and the maximum because we need to view the home in person before we can narrow it down. Also, this range amount should be taken as an indicator only.  

There will be situations where a home is in better or worse than the typical condition for that age home.  Therefore, our final offer may be more or less than the original estimated range that was given to you. It can be quite significant between the low end of our offer and the maximum because we need to view the home in person before we can narrow it down. 

This is why our buyers may ask you to send them pictures as a part of the process.  It allows us to narrow down our offer amount prior to coming out to the home.  The last thing we want to do is waste either of our time.  

We purchase homes at great distances from our office locations, resulting in lots of time on the road for our buyers and we do not want to send them out unnecessarily. Nor do we want to waste your time if our offer is not what you were looking for. 

We have to be sure that you’re willing to entertain a real offer prior to making these arrangements, and the only way to make that more accurate offer is to get as much information ahead of time.  


The first thing that needs to be considered is how you came to your asking price? Since it’s virtually impossible to have accurate comps without a lot of data, it’s very difficult to gauge the value of a mobile home, especially without knowing the exact details of these other homes. Most people we’ve come across when faced with this question, often state that they looked online for homes the same age as theirs and used that price.  There are two problems with this approach:


1 . Comps need to be taken from a sample of previously sold homes, not homes that are currently on the market. There are many people online who have overpriced their homes. This is the reason for their inability to sell and why they are still on the market. Those home owners may have done the same exact thing, looking at homes for sale instead of homes sold.  It’s not that they’ve chosen a poor way to price their homes, it is just the easiest way to get an amount. 

2 . When selling your home to an individual home values vary greatly from one park to the next.  In fact, there are homes worth 10k in one park that would be worth 15-20k in a park just down the road.  This is because the quality of the park matters greatly to an individual. This is something that does not matter to a company, we look solely at your home, not the park. 


There are 2 markets to sell in...retail and wholesale. We are in the wholesale side of things. Wholesale market gives you super fast sales with no improvements, third party inspections, loan approvals, or work on your side at all! the retail side requires your time and patients. Open houses, inspections, waiting for the loans to go through, this can all take months. If you would like to see how fast our process can work for you, call us now or contact us here


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